
Bulent Gorenek                          


Bulent Gorenek, MD FESC FACC

Professor of Cardiology


Member of the  European Society of Cardiology Association for Acute CardioVascular Care (ACVC) Acute Rhythm Disturbances Task Force

Vice President, Cardiovascular Academy Society

Visiting Professor, Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Eskişehir-Turkiye 

Member of  the Board of Trustees, Turkish Heart Foundation

Acıbadem Hospital Contracted External Physician, Eskişehir-Turkiye

Gürlife Hospital, Contracted External Physician, Eskişehir-Turkiye

Professional Experience

Staff at Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology and Head of the Department for Two Terms

Visiting Professor at Koç University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology 

Visiting Professorship at Mudanya University

Chairman of the Eskişehir Osmangazi University Science and Research Policies Board

Eskişehir Osmangazi University Clinical Research Ethics Committee Membership

Eskişehir Osmangazi University Publication Ethics Board Membership

Eskişehir Osmangazi University Scientific Research Projects Commission Membership


1983-1990 Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara-Turkey

1991-1995 Eskişehir Osmangazi University Cardiology Department, Eskişehir-Turkey

1996-1997 Maastricht University Cardiology Department, Maastricht-Netherlands (Electrophysiology)

European Cardiologist Title (ESC&UEMS Diploma), 2000

European Society of Cardiology Fellow, 2003

American College of Cardiology Fellow, 2004

Turkish Cardiology Board Certificate, 2007

Summary of Scientific Activities, September 2024 (

Number of scientific articles: 268

Total number of citations: 85120

H-index: 51

Editorial Positions in Scientific Journals

Associate Editor

International Journal of Cardiology

Journal of Electrocardiology

Heart-Vessels and Transplantation

Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences (Cardiology section editor)

Journal Editorial Board Memberships

American Heart Journal

EP Europace

International Journal of Cardiology

European Heart Journal-Acute Cardiovascular Care (Global Advisor)

Journal of Interventional Electrophysiology

Journal of Electrocardiology


Anatolian Journal of Cardiology

Heart-Vessels and Transplantation

Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences

Journal of Turkish Clinics Cardiovascular Sciences

Experience in ESC (European Society of Cardiology)

ESC Membership Committee Member (2020-2022)

ESC Hypertension Council Member (2020-2022)

ESC Congress Program Committee Member (2016-2018)

ESC Education Committee Member (2012-2016)

Author, ESC Cardiovascular Medicine Book, 2019

Chapter editor and author, ESC Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Disease Book, 2011-

Speaker and Chair at ESC Congresses

Experience in EHRA (European Heart Rhythm Association)

ESC Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) Scientific Documents Committee Co-Chair (2013-2017)

EHRA Scientific Initiatives Committee Member (2017-2018)

EHRA Education Committee Member (2007-2011)

Author, EHRA ECG/IECG Monitoring Atlas, 2011

Co-director and speaker, EHRA PM-ICD-CRT Courses, (2007-2011)

Co-director and speaker, EHRA Daily Arrhythmia and Device Application Courses, (2007-2011)

Speaker and Chair at EHRA Congresses

Experience in ACVC/ACCA (Acute Cardiovascular Disease Association)

Board Member (2018-2020)

Co-Chair of the Scientific Documents Committee (2018-2020)

Executive Board Member and Treasurer of ACCA (2012-2014)

Secretary and Board Member of the ESC Acute Cardiac Disease Working Group (2010-2012)

Board Member, ESC Acute Cardiac Disease Working Group Member (2008-2010)

Host and Scientific Program Chair of the ESC Acute Cardiac Disease Congress, Istanbul-2012

ACCA Consensus Report Chair on Atrial Fibrillation in Acute Heart Failure, 2020

Section editor and author, ESC Book of Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Diseases, 2011

Author, ACCA Clinical Decision Making Booklet, 2013

Speaker, ACCA Webinar on Cardiac Arrest, 2014

Invited speakers and chaired Acute Cardiac Care Congresses

Chaired European Society of Cardiology Consensus Statements

Cardiac arrhythmias in the emergency settings of acute coronary syndrome and revascularization: an European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) consensus document, endorsed by the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI), and European Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (ACCA), 2014

European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)/European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (EACPR) position paper on how to prevent atrial fibrillation endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) and Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS), 2016

Device-detected subclinical atrial tachyarrhythmias: definition, implications and management-an European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) consensus document, endorsed by Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS) and Sociedad Latinoamericana de Estimulación Cardíaca y Electrofisiología (SOLEACE), 2017

European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) position paper on arrhythmia management and device therapies in endocrine disorders, endorsed by Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS) and Latin American Heart Rhythm Society (LAHRS), 2018

Atrial fibrillation in acute heart failure: A position statement from the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association and European Heart Rhythm Association of the European Society of Cardiology, 2020

European Society of Cardiology Consensus Statements Served as Review Coordinator 

Real-world observational studies: data sources, methodology and interpretation. A position paper from the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), Asia-Pacific HRS (APHRS) and Latin America HRS (LAHRS), 2019

EHRA Consensus Report on the Management of Supraventricular Arrhythmias (HRS, APHRS, SOLAECE endorsed), 2017

Review coordinator, EHRA/HFA Consensus Report on Arrhythmias in Heart Failure (HRS, APHRS endorsed), 2016

Authorships in Scientific Guidelines in the European Society of Cardiology and the American Cardiology Associations (ACC/AHA/HRS)

ACC/AHA/ACCP/HRS Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Atrial Fibrillation: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines, 2023

HRS expert consensus statement on the management of arrhythmias during pregnancy, 2023

ESC Guidelines on supraventricular tachycardia, 2019

ESC Guidelines for pre-operative cardiac risk assessment and perioperative cardiac management in non-cardiac surgery, 2014

ESC Guidelines on cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization therapy, 2013

ESC Guidelines for pre-operative cardiac risk assessment and perioperative cardiac management in non-cardiac surgery, 2009

ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation: the Task Force for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation, 2010

ESC Guidelines on the management of cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy, 2011

Reviewer in Scientific Guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology, American Cardiology Association, American College of Cardiology and American Heart Rhythm Association

ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of syncope, 2009

Focused update of the ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation, 2012

ACC/AHA/HRS Guideline for the Management of Adult Patients with Supraventricular Tachycardia, 2015

ESC Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death, 2015 

ACC/AHA/HRS Guideline for the evaluation and management of syncope,2017

ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation, 2016

ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation, 2016

ACC/AHA/HRS Guideline for Management of Patients With Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death, 2017

ESC Guidelines on Myocardial Revascularization, 2018

ACC/AHA/HRS Guideline onthe Evaluation and Managementof Patients With Bradycardia and Cardiac Conduction Delay, 2018

ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation, 2020

ACC/AHA guideline for the management of patients with valvular heart disease, 2020

ACC/AHA guideline for the management for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 2020

AHA/ACC/ASE/CHEST/SAEM/SCCT/SCMR Guideline for the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Chest Pain, 2021

ESC Guidelines on cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization therapy, 2021

AHA/ACC/HFSA Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure, 2022

ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death, 2022

Experience at American College of Cardiology (ACC), American Heart Association (AHA)

Member of the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines  (2020-2022)

Member of the American College of Cardiology Electrophysiology Section Leadership Council (2014-2020)

Author, ACC/AHA/ACCP/HRS Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Atrial Fibrillation: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines, 2023

Author, HRS expert consensus statement on the management of arrhythmias during pregnancy, 2023

Leading author, A state-of-the-art review by the American College of Cardiology Electrophysiology Council; Premature ventricular complexes: diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in clinical practice.

Speaker and chairperson in AHA and ACC Scientific Sessions

Experience at Heart Rhythm Society (HRS)

Author, ACC/AHA/ACCP/HRS Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Atrial Fibrillation: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines, 2023

Author, HRS expert consensus statement on the management of arrhythmias during pregnancy, 2023

Speaker and chairperson in HRS Congresses

Experience at International Society of Electrocardiology (ISE)

President (2021-2023)

President elect (2019-2021)

Council member of the International Society of Electrocardiology (2005- )

President, 34th International Congress on Electocardiology, 2007 Istanbul-Turkey

Experience at World Heart Organization (WHO)

National Coordinator, World Heart Organization (WHO) Secondary Prevention of Stroke and Myocardial Infarction Project (2002-2003) 

Roles in National Scientific Organizations

Vice president of the Cardiovascular Academy Society (2023-)

Board member of the Turkish Society of Cardiology (2018-2021)

Member of the Turkish Society of Cardiology  Science Committee (2008-) 

Scientific advisory board member of the Turkish Heart Foundation (2017-) 

Member of Board of Trustees of the Turkish Heart Foundation (2018-)

Honors and Awards

Young investigator research awards (2nd) by Turkish Society of Cardiology, 1996

Science Award, Eskisehir Odunpazari Lions Club, 2006

Science Award by Ankara Physicians' Chamber, 2009 

Science and Medicine Award by Journalists's Association, 2015

Turkish Times Journal, listed in the first one hundred succsssful Turkish Medical Scientists, 2018

Dr.Edip Kürklü Science Award by  Turkish Heart Foundation, 2019

British Medical Association Award (first prize in cardiology), as a writer of the ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2019 

Prof. Bulent Gorenek MD, FACC,FESC

Hospital address:

Eskisehir Osmangazi University Cardiology Department Eskisehir-Turkey.

Tel: +90 222 2392979/3700


Office address:

Başak Pakun Plaza Hoşnudiye Mah. İsmet İnönü 1 Caddesi 732. Sokak No:14 Kat:5 Daire 565 Tepebaşı, Eskisehir-Turkey

Tel: +90 532 38988600
